Ko Ben Nevis te Maunga te rū nei tāku ngākau

Ko Clyde te awa e mahea nei āku māharahara

Nō Scotland ahau. I whanau mai au i te taha o te awa o Paisley

Kei Kawerau a maua e noho ana, ko toku tane

I tana taha ko Pirirakau te hapu, ko Poututerangi te marae

E mihi ana ki ngā tohu o nehe o Tauranga Moana; e noho nei tana whanau. Ko Kuka tana whanau ingoa

Karekau a māua tamariki, ahakoa e toru a māua kuri

Ko Heather tōku ingoa

No reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa

Originally from Scotland I moved to Aotearoa in 2015 and never looked back! I live in the Bay of Plenty with my husband and our dogs. 

In my free time, I am involved in community service as a GoodSam Responder, the Hato Hone St John Area Committee Secretary, 3 Steps for Life Community Educator, and also as Civil Defence Welfare Manager.

I also have a keen interest in expanding my knowledge in Te Ao Māori to be a better Tangata Tiriti partner. As a Scottish person who moved to New Zealand, I was drawn to learn about the Maori language, protocols, and care. Through my studies, I gained a diploma and certificates.